If you haven’t got tickets to our Friday 27 and Saturday 28 shows at the end of March, for Dyson Stringer Cloher and Seeker Lover Keeper respectively, then unfortunately you’ve missed out!
But the good news is that we’ve managed to snag Dyson Stringer Cloher for an extra show who will now bring their awesome songs to Anglesea on Thursday 26 March, as well as the sold out Friday 27. We’re making this one a little more intimate with seating and standing options but the vibe will be just as great, especially with support from George Carroll Wilson’s exhilarating solo project Pollyman. Don’t miss out this time around – get your tickets now!
While you’re here, make sure you sign up to our mailing list – this way you’ll be the first to know about upcoming shows and get first access to tickets. Let your friends know too!
If you’re hoping to find a ticket to our Sold Out shows, the best bet is to head to our Facebook page and post a request on the specific Event. If you’ve got one to sell we recommend heading there too. As always, be cautious about buying and selling tickets and please do not pay or sell at more than the ticket price.
Thur 26 March
Dyson Stringer Cloher supported by Pollyman
Buy tickets now – $40
Fri 27 March
Dyson Stringer Cloher supported by Fenn Wilson
SOLD OUT! – Go on the waiting list – $40
Sat 28 March
Seeker Lover Keeper supported by Anna Cordell
SOLD OUT! – Go on the waiting list – $49.50
supported by

#iAManglesea #angleseaadventure
For assistance with planning your visit to Anglesea and to ensure you get the most from your stay on the spectacular Surf Coast, drop into the Torquay Visitor Centre (Surf City Plaza, Beach Road, Torquay; open 9am to 5pm, 7 days a week except Christmas Day, call 1300 614 219 or go to www.angleseaadventure.com.au